Our specialty

Guiding senior managers executive teams
Over the course of our experience, we ended up focusing on 3 underlying criteria capable of yielding the desired result, by way of applying our home-grown "AOB" model


ensuring members buy into a shared Ambition

clarifying and consolidating an Ambition, a set of perspectives that galvanize the contributions of the various actors involved,


structuring the Organization around each contributor's unique set of responsibilities

configuring the most relevant Organization, through a cogent explanation of each team member's responsibilities,


the Behavioral traits infusing a leadership style are well suited to both the context and stakes.

bolstering the impact and quality of team operations, by means of implementing the most efficient leadership-based Behavior.

Racinal's role is most useful for:
• managing situations that entail transition and crisis resolution,
• mobilizing senior management teams as situations become critical,
• guiding a senior manager as he/she adapts to a new post or prepares for key events when his/her impact will be crucial.

Why choose Racinal?

As they progress through their career, senior managers, for a whole myriad of reasons, encounter far fewer individuals among their entourage who dare provide them with the honest feedback that in reality they sorely need.
We're capable of engaging with executive teams, both individually and collectively, to aid them in pursuit of their goals, their advancement, the success of their projects, all while upholding the strictest confidentiality.


2022-02-24 17:30

La 41ème session de One's Day aura lieu à Paris le mardi 27 juin prochain.

Cette mise en situation pour dirigeants permet à chacun de ses participants d'explorer finement les ca [...]

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2021-05-31 19:40

Z comme… Zen
Par Frédéric Sos - mai 2021

"Nous devons absolument rassurer nos équipes"

« La situation est difficile : l'impact de nos campagnes est décevant, nos réseau [...]

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They've trusted us

With our clients, we've built a close, highly personalized and long-lasting relationships. During our period of collaboration, we restrict ourselves from engaging in even the most minor mission with any of our client's competitors.
Our line of work is dedicated to improving a company's managerial-level efficiency. Through carrying out our various missions, we've been mindful not to develop an advanced degree of expertise in our client's particular field of activity, so as to remove ourselves from the client's completely autonomous decision-making process.
As would be expected, our clients' specializations are quite varied. We work with both national and international entities (whether large firms or small / medium-sized enterprises) across a wide range of industrial and service sectors, as well as public-sector or quasi-public organizations, institutions or associations.

Our network

Upon its founding, Racinal has been closely involved with individuals demonstrating strong convictions and personal values, so fundamental to clients, staff and partners.
Nearly 20 years later, its organizational culture and mode of operations have remained solidly anchored by practices showcasing co-production, critical comparison, complementarity of viewpoints and approaches, while accounting for the human dimension and the notion of commitment.
Our preference for a network format in performing our missions seems to better honor these convictions.
Nurturing as opposed to expanding
To conduct our missions, we only bring onboard professionals whose vision overlaps with ours. Some of them had held staff positions for several years before fine-tuning their personal niche and creating their own venture, as a springboard for their particular activity.
Today, we work in close collaboration with some fifteen consulting firms set up in France and elsewhere in Europe. What bonds us far surpasses our differences, yet all partners champion their unique set of specializations.
Racinal has been designed to remain a small entity. When a consultant is hired, the duration of employment is deliberately limited, to ensure every opportunity is provided to develop personal expertise and fulfill entrepreneurial potential. After a few years, this individual will go on to create a separate firm and thereby continue to enrich our network!

Frédéric Sos

60 years old, founder and managing director of RACINAL, Frédéric has accumulated 30 years of experience in the areas of guiding executive-level teams, coaching senior managers and handling corporate transitions. He earned a degree in 1987 from the French School of Practitioner Psychologists (with a major in Organizational Psychology); moreover, he's been an instructor at this institution since 1995. His academic role is based in both Paris and Lyon, with additional participation during dissertation defense sessions. Specialized in behavioral diagnostics and evolution, Frédéric has also, since 2003 in conjunction with members of his network, led a research and design activity targeting behavioral diagnostic approaches, dedicated to the topics of management, leadership and commercial efficiency. Both the FOCUS CLIENT and FOCUS LEADER approaches are presently employed not only in France but across many European countries.


"Racinal": masculine noun from the field of CONSTRUCTION - A crosspiece of wood used to brace or support.
Part of the building frame that attaches the pile caps for structures built on stilts.